Fire Resistant Wood Varnish 60' Stancotherm T-600 @ ΕΝ13501-1

199,90€ (With VAT)

Fire resistant wood varnish for the protection of wooden surfaces in case of fire outbreak. Certified by European Institute and the Fire Department (Class B1 in DIN 4102-1:1998-05 and class B-s1, d0 according to EN13501-1:2007), it is suitable for interior wood surfaces of any kind as well as for surfaces of natural wood products (MDF etc.).

Product Information

  • Hue: transparent
  • Theoretical coverage: 450 g/m²
  • Application temperature: +10°C ~ +35°C
  • Packaging: 7.5L (A:5L, B: 2.5L)
  • Ingredient mixing ratio: Α:Β - 2:1 by volume
  • Appliance: brush, roller, airless spraying

CAUTION: Stancotherm T-600 is sensitive to high humidity and is not suitable for surfaces that will be permanently exposed to very aggressive weather conditions (heavy rainfall, permanent exposure to sunlight, etc.). In case the painted surfaces will be placed in areas where occasional or short-term exposure (semi exposed) to moisture, rain or exposure to sunlight is expected, it is necessary to repaint with protective varnish.

Ready to Ship / Ships in 1 - 3 days